Hello and good day.

We have opened for you a new

You can argue there are already too many wineshops in Prague.

Maybe you are right.

But we see it a bit differently. At Winehub Manesovka we would like to introduce you to different wines, that you have not encountered/tasted so far. We are talking here about wines from Bohemia, like from Chramce, Velke Zernoseky, Melnik, Kutna Hora and Prague but also from Moravia. We would like to present to you winemakers that work carefully in the vineyards and stick to what the nature does by itself whether they strictly meet the requirements of the „authentists“ or not. Our offering contains a wide range of skin contact/orange wines, bubblies, whether petillant naturels, methode ancestrale or just second fermentation in bottle.

It is our aim to have similar wines from Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria, France or Northern Italy.

Together with the wines we offer some small snacks/tapas like fresh bread, greek olives, cretan olive oil, „local“ or hungarian smoked meats/sausages, dutch and french cheeses.

In the near future we hope to be able to rework these webpages so they properly represent what Winehub has to offer to you.

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